Girl Genius Ringtones

Click here for a big zipped file of Ringtone Bundle #01!
You can also download them individually below.

Agatha: "It is a glorious day, for SCIENCE!"

Agatha: "You can never have too much SCIENCE!"

Agatha: "Science calls, and you must answer!"

Agatha: "Science exists to answer your questions, you exist to answer your phone!"

Agatha: "Any sufficiently analyzied magic is indistinguishable from science."

Castle Heterodyne: "Answer your phone, or DIE!"

Castle Heterodyne: "Do not attempt to ignore me, human, I know you're there!"

Castle Heterodyne: "Oh, I can't wait to hear what this is about."

Castle Heterodyne: "Oh, joy! A chance to talk to one of your little friends!"

Mamma Gkika: "Hey dere, sveethot, answer hyu phone!"

Mamma Gkika: "Ho, Sveethot, put hyu hat back on. Ze phone iz ringing, und hyu never know who it might be."

Mamma Gkika: "Hey dere, hot schtuff, answer you phone!"

Mamma Gkika: "Hoy dere. Answer de phone. It might be hyu mamma!"

Mamma Gkika: "Hello, dere, sveethot!"

Mamma Gkika: "Ho ho, sumboddy's thinking about hyu."

Some Jäger: "Hey! Poot on hyu grown-op hat and answer de phone, already."

Some Jäger: "Hoy! Hello dere, Sveethot!"

Some Jäger: "Hoo-hoo! Time to put hyu talky-face on!"

Some Jäger: "Ho! Someboddy's tinking 'bout hyu!"

Othar: "Ha ha! Heed the call to Adventure!"

Othar: "A call! Is it friend, or foe? Hmm. Soon, you will know!"

Othar: "Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer, believes that you have a call."

Othar: "SCIENCE! has made this phone. But only you can answer it!"

Othar's super-sciency monster polka remix! by Cheyenne


Voices by Cheyenne Wright, Kaja Foglio and Phil Foglio!