Thank you for your support! |
This is where you can download some of the Girl Genius KickStarter goodies. Please read my message below for more information, and view our Amazing Project Status Monitor for updates on our progress!--Kaja | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
These links will stay up for our KickStarter supporters until January 1, 2020. |
Here are the links to the Queens and Pirates wallpaper: The Wallpaper with a "Thank You" Message 2560x1600 with written thanks---download 1920x1080 with written thanks---download 1600x1200 with written thanks---download 1024x1024 with written thanks---download 600x800 with written thanks---download ---Zipped file of all five with words of thanks---
...and without words, but still with thanks! 2560x1600 with no words---download 1920x1080 with no words---download 1600x1200 with no words---download 1024x1024 with no words---download |
Here are the links to the Kings and Wizards wallpaper:
The Wallpaper with a "Thank You" Message 2560x1600 with written thanks---download 1920x1080 with written thanks---download 1600x1200 with written thanks---download 1024x1024 with written thanks---download 600x800 with written thanks---download ---Zipped file of all five with words of thanks---
...and without words, but still with thanks! 2560x1600 with no words---download 1920x1080 with no words---download 1600x1200 with no words---download 1024x1024 with no words---download |
Here are the links to the City of Lightning wallpaper:
The Wallpaper with a "Thank You" Message 2560x1600 with written thanks---download 1920x1080 with written thanks---download 1600x1200 with written thanks---download 1024x1024 with written thanks---download 600x800 with written thanks---download ---Zipped file of all five with words of thanks---
...and without words, but still with thanks! 2560x1600 with no words---download 1920x1080 with no words---download 1600x1200 with no words---download 1024x1024 with no words---download |
April 16, 2016
The Wallpaper with a "Thank You" Message 2560x1600 with written thanks---download 1920x1080 with written thanks---download 1600x1200 with written thanks---download 1024x1024 with written thanks---download 600x800 with written thanks---download ---Zipped file of all five with words of thanks--- ...and without words, but still with thanks! 2560x1600 with no words---download 1920x1080 with no words---download 1600x1200 with no words---download 1024x1024 with no words---download |
February 16, 2016 |
December 17, 2015
October 08, 2015 None of these are too terribly egregious, but they are the most saucy bunch of wallpapers we've made. I wanted to do them all in one batch, for those who want to a) avoid that sort of thing or b) want to make sure they get all of them! I've gone into each original file and re-exported the wallpapers at the highest quality, so many of these are better than they were when they were first released. I hope you enjoy them! Before I work on the next batch, I'm going to take some time to sort out the Print-your-own box PDF project. I want to get it out there in time for the Holidays, since I know everyone wants a fun craft project right in the middle of everything else...oh, well... |
September 10, 2015
THE KICKSTARTER THANK YOU WALLPAPER Click on the little thumbnail links below to download the full-size wallpapers.
August 01, 2014 Hello, patient people! I'm still working on getting the rest of the wallpapers together, and while I do, I have a promise going for you folks. Remember? I said that until I get all the earlier wallpapers up for you, you get the new ones too. So here's the latest one from our most recent KickStarter. Thank you for all your support!
April 28, 2014 The Language of Fans video is up! You can see it on our YouTube channel–girlgeniusvideo. It is very silly. While you're there, make sure to watch the How we Make a Comic video. It's framed by our Volume 13 Kickstarter campaign, but the main body of it is just silly fun. I hope they make you laugh, because they make me want to hide under my rock. I need a bigger rock.--Kaja |
April 09, 2014 You may have noticed that the Volume 13 KickStarter campaign has launched. We had to go ahead with it, because we have a very strong printer deadline for Volume 13, and they need the money up front. So it's not ideal that we launched before I finished uploading all the wallpapers and such, but there it is. I'll be working very hard to get those up ASAP! I assure you, the overlap is driving me crazy. All the physical rewards that needed to be mailed out have long since been sent. We had some delays with the e-mail when our Volume 12 customer service helper became overwhelmed with her new full-time job, and I am very sorry about that. We now have Alice Bentley back with us, and she is in the process of tracking down the last couple of people whose surveys (and therefore addresses) we never got. If you are one of them, please drop her a line through the KickStarter contact, and she will help you out. If you don't hear from her right away, it may be that she is dealing with the backlog, but she worked with us in the past for many years, and she is extremely reliable. We will make sure everyone gets their answers! |
April 06, 2014 We have brought in a new Customer Service helper to answer your questions and track down the last few people whose surveys never made it back to us. (We need an address to send the rewards, and if there's no survey, we're severely hobbled.) Alice Bentley has worked with us a lot in the past, she's an old hand at dealing with us! I have made a new download page for the RINGTONES. There's one here for convenience, and also one on the main Girl Genius Online site. If you are having trouble with the big zipped file, (a couple people did) go ahead and download the individual, non-compressed files. Now that we're back in the main story, where there is a chance of new characters, and signage and all sorts of things like that, Phil and Carol have compiled a careful list of all the people whose names, faces, friends or dogs need to be put in the comic. (It was one of the reward levels.) Phil is already chuckling over what he's going to do to a couple of you, so watch out. I'm off to compile the sketch collection. Look for it soon! Thank you! --Kaja |
March 15, 2014 The physical rewards went out months ago, so everyone should now have all that stuff. eMails with the PDF download links also went out at that time. What's left? Well, Phil has some names he still needs to work into the comic pages. Here's what I have to do: As you can see, the remaining projects are all mine. I have a few more days left where I'll be working furiously on finishing up the third Girl Genius novel: (volumes one and two are available at many fine book stores, both online and off!) When I've turned that in, I'll be finishing up all those outstanding projects listed above. And I'd better do it quickly, too, because I want them all finished before our next KickStarter campaign begins, and that will be mighty soon. Yes, we'll be sending Volume 13 to the printer next month, and you'll be able to secure your copies ahead of time here. I'll let you know, okay? Thank you, everyone! I'll be working hard! |
December 13, 2013
THE NEW WALLPAPER! This one is going up as a donation wallpaper, but until I get all the earlier wallpapers up for you, you get the new ones too. Call it compensation for my SLOW work! Thank you, and Happy New Year! Click on the little thumbnail links below to download the full-size wallpapers.
November 12, 2013 WALLPAPER SET 02 More of our Wallpapers, this time I tried to grab the Christmas and seasonal ones, as well as a couple of the new ones that I don't think ever made it onto the donation rewards. I can't believe there are so many of these things. |
October 30, 2013 Button Men Printable Button sheet! You can download the full-size PDF and have it printed and made into buttons for James Ernest's award-winning game Button Men. Not sure what Button Men is? You can find rules, more printable buttons/cards and all the information you could want at the Cheapass Games Web site. Those of you who remember Button Men from all those years ago will notice that I have added three new versions. This is because the old art was driving me crazy and there was space on the template. The numbers are the same, but with prettier art. Tra-la.--Kaja |
October 23, 2013 Thank you, everyone who wrote to tell me about the broken links on the October wallpapers page. I believe I have repaired them, now. Also, here is the promised "Autographed Agatha Picture", you can download a printable PDF by clicking on the picture. Those of our supporters who are getting flat things shipped to them will be getting a printed version along with their other flat things. |
October 22, 2013 In honor of the 20th Anniversary of our wedding, (October 2, 1993) the FOGLIO WEDDING PDF! |
October 15, 2013 WALLPAPER SET 01 Nine of our more October-ish wallpapers, in various sizes. I have a LOT of wallpapers to prep for you, but Halloween is rushing here is the first set, and I'll keep posting more sets as I get them ready. This link will take you to a new page with lots of thumbnails and links. |
October 14, 2013
THE KICKSTARTER THANK YOU WALLPAPER Click on the little thumbnail links below to download the full-size wallpapers.
Thank you for helping us with our KickStarter campaign! We appreciate your support and hope you enjoy all of the extras that we will be posting for you. We have a LOT of digital rewards to get to you, and we're still working on the best ways to get them to you. Those of you at the $10 donation level and higher will know that we had some server trouble, and we are now sending out the new links in batches. I am told this may take several weeks, but we will get everyone their PDF bundles eventually. Please watch your email inbox for a new link for your PDF book downloads. As for the rest of the digital goodies, I will be posting many of them here for you to download. They will go up as I get them ready: I am checking all the wallpapers, re-exporting many of them at higher quality than before, and making sure there are device-friendly versions of each, as well. This is where I will be posting links for you to download the following:
That leaves the ringtones, the Make Your Own Box for the GGcollections DIY PDF, My video lecture, and the collection of production sketches. As we finish these projects, we will figure out the best way to get them to you. Stay tuned, and thank you again for your continuing enthusiasm! --Professoressa Kaja Foglio, TPU |
Nota Bene: On projects like this, I sometimes make mistakes with links. If there are any problems (links downloading the wrong files, or only downloading thumbnails, or whatever) please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you.--Kaja | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Please let us know if you have any problems with the downloads or find any errors. Thank you! |
Girl Genius is a registered trademark of Studio Foglio, LLC. Agatha Heterodyne, Transylvania Polygnostic and all Girl Genius art, characters, design elements and logos & ©2000 Studio Foglio, LLC., All rights reserved. Airship Entertainment™ is an imprint of Studio Foglio LLC, and publishes Girl Genius Graphic Novels on a yearly basis. Look for them in your favorite bookstore! |